GMAT Focus Edition

Since November 2023, Classic GMAT has been replaced by GMAT Focus Edition and since February 2024, the Classic GMAT is no longer available.

The difference between Classic GMAT and GMAT Focus Edition


Classic GMAT GMAT Focus Edition

4 Sections:


Quantitative (31 Questions)

Verbal (36 Questions)

Integrated Reasoning (12 Questions)

Analytical Writing Assessment (Essay)



3 sections:


Quantitative (21 Questions)

Verbal (23 Questions)

Data Insight (20 Questions)


Duration: 3 hours, 7 minutes


Quantitative: 62 minutes

Verbal: 64 minutes

Integrated Reasoning: 30 minutes

Essay: 30 minutes



Duration: 2 hours, 15 minutes


Quantitative: 45 minutes

Verbal: 45 minutes

Data Insight: 45 minutes




Between 200 – 800 in 10-point increment


The score come only form Quantitative and Verbal.





Between 205 – 805 in 10-point increment


All three sections contribute equally




GMAT Focus Edition has removed Sentence Correction and Geometry questions.

Also, GMAT Focus no longer includes Analytica Writing Assessment (Essay).


The detail of GMAT Focus Edition:


  1. Quantitative:

Quantitative section now only consists of Problem Solving (PS).

PS questions are designed to test the ability to reason quantitatively and to solve quantitative problems.


  1. Verbal:

The verbal section of the GMAT Focus exam seeks to measure the test taker’s ability to read and comprehend written material, reason and evaluate arguments.

Verbal Section no only includes two parts:


  1. Reading Comprehension (RC)
  2. Critical Reasoning (CR)



  1. Data Insight


Data Insight contains two parts:


  1. Data Sufficiency (DS)

DS questions are designed to measure the ability to understand and analyse a quantitative problem, recognise what information is relevant or irrelevant and determine at what point there is enough information to solve a particular problem.


  1. Integrated Reasoning (IR)


Integrated Reasoning is designed to measure a test taker’s ability to evaluate data presented in multiple formats from multiple sources. IR questions focus on your ability to solve complex problems using data from multiple sources in a variety of formats.


In the Integrated Reasoning section, you must analyse different types of data (presented in graphs, tables, and passages, among other formats), synthesize data in verbal and graphical formats, such as spreadsheets


The IR sections consists of four different formats:

Graphic interpretation, two-part analysis, table analysis, and multi-source reasoning.